Updated Interview Questions for DevOps – 2020

1.Can you list the DevOps Key components?
Following are the DevOps key components. They are,

  • Continuous Integrations.
  • Continuous Test.
  • Continuous Delivering.
  • Continuous Monitor.

2.Can you state some of the differences between the Continuous Developments as well as Continuous Deployments?
Many user stories or features are available in the Sprint of Agile. These stories can be developed, tested, as well as its ready to deploy. Hear as per the customer requirement we don’t deploy. The code is ready for the deployment. It is known as Continuous delivery.
In the Continuous Deployment the developer made all the changes required in many stages and the code will be deployed in the environment of the production. This will be in automated way.
3.Explain about the Puppet Module as well as how it differs from the Puppet Manifest?
Collections of the Manifest as well as data is known as the Puppet modules. They will have the specific structure of the directory. Modules play a vital role in organizing our codes. They allow us for splitting the code into many Manifest.
The Programs of the Puppet is known as Manifest. It consist of the codes of the puppet along with the name of the file used with the extension as .pp.
4.Explain about the Factor in the Puppet?
The basic information of the Puppet agent is collected by the Factor. The basic information are as follows. They are,
 Details about the Hardware.
 Networking settings.
 Version as well as type of OS.
 IP Address.
 MAC Address.
 SSH key and many more.
5.List the elements for the tools of the Continuous Testing?
Following are the elements for the tools of the Continuous Testing. They are,
 Assessment of risk.
 Analysis of the Policy.
 Needed Traceability.
 Advanced Analysis.
 Optimization Test.
 Virtualization Service.
6.Can you explain about the manufacture triggers which are accessible in the Jenkins?
We can able to run the fabrications either physically or by using any on of the following ways. They are,
• Webhooks:
The calls of API from the SCM is known as Webhook. Whenever we submit the code in the vault, it is especially explicit at any occasion in any branches.
• Code survey triggers for Gerrit:
Audit instrument with opensource code is Gerrit. Whatever changes we made to the code after the audit construct.
• Remotely Trigger build:
We can able to content in any machines remotely. Then we can the post as trigger form in the Jenkins.
7.What do you mean by Microservices and how it controls the productive rehearses of DevOps?
In the conventional engineering each and every app is developed by the group of developers. It is conveyed as the solitary app in a greater number of machines and delivered to the load balancers which is used by the world.
There we can see the implementation of microservices separates the app into small piece. Each and every piece has the diverse capacity which is expected for finishing the solitary exchange.
Engineers can able to collect each bit based on the rules for the advanced stage. For little more improvement each and every admin uses REST API.
8.List some of the success factors of CI?
Following are some of the success factor of CI. They are,
 Code repository should be maintained.
 Build is Automated.
 Self-testing build is initiated.
 Commit should be done.
 Build each commit.
 Fast Build.
 Test in clone of production environment.
 Need to be very easy for getting latest deliverables.
 Deployment is automated.
9.Can you explain the role of the REST HTTP API in the DevOps?
DevOps is the center for automating our frameworks. It provides changes for pipelines to many stages just like each and every CI or CD pipeline. This has different stages as follows. They are,
• Form.
• Testing.
• Mental sound testing.
• UAT.
• Prod deployment.
There are many different devices are used as well as new stack will be displayed. All the Industries must follow an approach for incorporating many instruments to finish the toolchain arrangements. Here the job of the HTTP API comes into the role. Each and every device uses API.
10.List the different ways for installing Jenkins?
Following are the different ways for installing Jenkins. They are,
 Download archive files of Jenkins.
 Run the jar Jenkin.war – Java service.
 Deploy Jenkins.war for webapp folder in the tomcat.
11.Tell me about the advantages and disadvantages of Ansible?
Following are some of the advantages of the Ansible. They are,
 Open sourced.
 Less agent.
 Good efficiency.
 Low cost.
 Low maintenance.
 Yarm file understanding is very easy.
Following are some of the disadvantages of the Ansible. They are,
 GUI with few features are under development.
 Focus for the orchestration over the CM is high.
 In the scaled environments SSH communication gets very slow.
12.What are the steps involved in installing the Jenkins through Docker?
Following are the steps involved in installing the Jenkins through Docker. They are,
 We should open the terminal window.
 We need to download jenkinsci or blueocean image. Then we need to run this as containers in the Docker using the command of the docker run.
 We need to go forward for wizard setup of the post installation.
 Access console log of Jenkin via Docker logsdocker.
 Finally, access Jenkins directorydocker homepage.
13.List some useful Plugins of Jenkins?
Following are some of the useful Plugins of Jenkins. They are,
 Amazon EC2.
 Copy artifact.
 Green Balls.
 Maven 2 project.
 HTML publisher.
 Join.
14.When Docker containers exits, whether we lose our data?
No, we will not lose any of our data when Docker containers exit. All the data which the app write to the disk will saved in the container we delete the container. The containers of file system will persist even when the containers halt.
15.Where we use the Dockerfile?
A text document which contains all user commands which are given in command line for assembling the image is known as Docker. It automatically builds the images by reading instructions from Dockerfiles.
16.List out some of the advantages of Containerization which provides over the virtualization?
Following are some of the advantages of Containerization which provides over the virtualization. They are,
• Real time provision and scalabilities are provided by the containers but in VM provisioning is very slow.
• When we compare containers with the VMs, we can find that container’s weight is very less.
• When we compare VMs with the containers, we can find that there is limited performance with the VMs.
• When we compare containers with the VMs, we can find resource utilization is better in Containers.
17.Explain about the important configuration files of the Nagios as well as about its location?
This first contains many directives which affects the daemon operations of Nagios. This file will read by both CGIs as well as Nagios daemon. The sample of the config file will be created on the Nagios distribution’s base directory. This is while we run script of the config. Configuration file has default name as nagios.cfg. We can able to find this in etc/ the subdirectories of installed Nagios.
18.Explain about NRPE in the Nagios?
NRPE is an addon. It is designed for allowing you for executing the Nagios plugins. Especially on the remote machines. The main reason is for allowing Nagios for monitoring the local resources on the remote machine. We should install the NRPE on the remote machine.
19.Why Continuous monitoring is very necessary?
CM allows us to find the issues in time. Resolving the bugs are very quick. It reduces the cost of the organization. It provides solution which addresses 3 operational disciplines. They are,
 Audit is continuous.
 Monitoring control is continuous.
 Inspections of the transactions is continuous.
20.How can you see the lists of all variables of ansible?
The facts about machines which is under the management can be gathered default by the ansible. These facts play a major role in accessing the playbook as well as templates. We need to run setup module for seeing the lists.

January 24, 2020
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