Interview questions and answers of the AWS Solutions Architect Associate

1.How to upload the file which has more than 100 MB in the Amazon S3?
Amazon S3 provides support to store the objects / files which are up to 5 TB. For uploading the file which has more than 100 MB, we should use the Multipart uploads utility from the AWS. With the help of the Multipart uploads, we can able to upload the large files in the multiple parts. We should upload each part independently. It is not at all a matter in which order we upload each part. This will even support uploading these parts by parallel. This is specially to decrease the overall time. When we upload all parts, this utility combines this as one object / file.
Answer :Following are the storage of the classes of the Amazon. They are,
Amazon EBS.
Amazon Snowball.
Amazon S3.
Amazon Glacier.
Managed Files Storage for the EC2.
AWS Elastic Files Systems.
Storage Block for the EC2.
Storage Gateway of the AWS.
Scalability Storage in the Cloud.
Achieve Storage for the low-cost in Cloud.
Storage Hybrid Integration.
Petabyte-Scales Data Transports.
Exabyte-scales Data to the Transports.
Petabyte-scales Data to the Transports with the On-Demand Computation.
AWS Snowball Edge.
Answer :We can able to run the functions of the synchronous / asynchronous modes. This is specially in the AWS Lambda. In the synchronous modes, if the AWS Lambda functions fails. Then it just gives exception to calling the apps. In the asynchronous mode, if the AWS Lambda functions fails. Then it retries same function minimum of three times. If the AWS Lambda runs in the response to any event in Amazon DynamoDB / Amazon Kinesis? Then the event will retry till the Lambda functions succeeds / data expires. Especially in the DynamoDB / Kinesis, AWS will maintain the data for minimum of 24 hours.
Answer :Generally, it is considered as template of the VM. When we start an instance, this is really possible for selecting the pre-baked AMI’s. This is very common in the AMI. All the AMIs are not available for cost free to use. Also, this is possible for having the customized AMI. The common reason for using it is the space saving in the AWS. We achieve this when the group of the software isn’t required. We can able to simply customize the AMI in this situation.
Answer :It is possible. When the instances have the root devices. Also, it is supported by instance storage. Then the Amazon uses its networks to host all the websites. This network is very scalable, reliable, fast, & inexpensive. The developers can able to get the network accesses with S3. Whenever the users want to execute the systems in the EC2 many tools are there in the AMI’s. They can consider these tools. We can simply move the files between the EC2 & S3.
Answer :Amazon DynamoDB & Amazon Redshift are very good options. Generally, the data from the e-commerce sites are unstructured. Both the services are very useful for the unstructured data. So, it is very good options for using them.
Answer :Yes, we can able to do this. But there is limitation. We can use up to 750 hours. This is totally cost free. After that, everything is charged based on the RDS prices. This is only applicable when it exceeds beyond the 750 hours.
Answer :Basically, the RDS is the service of the DBM. We should consider this to relational DB. This is very useful to upgrade & patch the data. Also, this works only for the structured data. When we compare the RDS with other two, it is very quick.
We use the Redshift in the Data analysis. Basically, this is a service of the data warehouse.
We use the DynamoDB for the unstructured data.
All the three tools are very powerful for performing their tasks. Especially without any errors.
Answer:If we have a host which are the batch oriented? Then we need the IOPS. This is because of the provisional IOPS. It provides very fast IO rates. But it is little expensive. This is when we compare with the other options. The hosts with the batch processing generally don’t need any manual intervention. Especially from users. We prefer IOPS mainly for this reason.
Answer :Yes, we can use this. Simply the cloud Front supports the custom origins. Also, this task can able to perform. But we want to pay for this. It depends on the transferring rate of the data.
Answer :The content will be sent from primary server by the CloudFront. Directly it transfers the content to cache memories of edge locations. This delivery system is truly based on the content. So, this try for cutting down latency. Also, it happens only for this reason. If we perform this operation for second time, data are directly served from cache location.
Answer :We must take the backup for Direct Connection. If power failure occurs? Then we may lose everything. By enabling the BFD will avoid this issue. If we have backup? Then the VPC traffic will drop. We want to start all from initial point.
Answer :Yes, we can able to attach the multiple subnets for routing tables. Generally, we need to consider it for routing network packets. Whenever the subnet has many routing tables, we may get confusion about destination of this. The reason beyond this is in the subnet only 1 routing table is there. This table contains unlimited records. So, we can able to attach the multiple subnets with the routing table.
Answer :We must need them for utilizing network. Especially with a greater number of the hosts. This must be in reliable manner. Yes, it is daunting task for managing them. It is very simple if we divide network into very smaller subnets. We can able to eliminate the error chances or loss of data to extent.
Answer :The reason is the private IP addresses remains with permanently instance / through life cycle. So, we can’t ale to change / modify. So, we can able to change secondary private addresses.
Answer :Yes, we can able to establish the connection between Amazon cloud & corporate data centers. First, we need to establish a VPN between VPC & organization’s networks. Then we created very simple connection. So that, we can able to access the data reliably.
Answer :It is very common approach. We should consider this while launching the EC2 instances. Every instance must have default IP address. This is when we launch this in the Amazon VPC. Also, we should consider this for connecting the cloud resources & data centers.
Answer :Very good option which i use is ATA. We can also use the Snowball. But it will not support the data transfer to long distance. ATA is very simple to throttles data. This is possible with network channels which are optimized & assure fastest speed for data transfer.
Answer :the approach name which restricts access of the 3rd party’s software in the Storage Services to the S3 bucket which is named as the “Company Backup” is custom IAM user’s policy. It limits S3 APIs in bucket.
Answer :No, we can’t able to run multiple websites in EC2 servers with 1 Elastic IP. We the elastic IP should be more than 1.
Answer :Following are some of the different parameters which we should consider during the selection of Availability Zones. They are,
Response time.
Answer :We can able to create the 100 buckets with each AWS account. In case if we need additional buckets. Then we need to increase the limit of the bucket limit just by submitting the service limit.
Answer :We should set the instance tenancy attributes to dedicate the instance. Also, other values need not wanted to be appropriate.
Answer :For the most sensitive data in the S3, we should consider the encryption. This is proprietary technology./div>
Answer :We can able to send the request to the Amazon S3 with the help of REST API / AWS SDK wrappers libraries./div>
December 16, 2020
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